主要承担项目及成果 | 1. 主持项目 (1)陕西省普通高校“青年杰出人才”支持计划,2023.01-2024.12; (2)国家自然科学基金面上项目,2022.01-2025.12; (3)国家自然科学基金青年项目,2020.01-2022.12; (4)陕西省自然科学基金青年项目,2020.01-2021.12; (5)英国威廉希尔公司官网青年拔尖人才科研启动项目,2018.12-2022.12; (6)企业横向项目2项。 2. 论文 以(共同)第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI论文20篇,参与发表SCI论文12篇。二区及以上论文27篇。详细论文列表见https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Xia_Wu21。近年部分论文如下: (1) Wu X, Ren J, Wang J, Koffas MAG*, Zha J*. A major facilitator superfamily transporter MdtH in Escherichia coli is involved in anthocyanin biosynthesis and secretion. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2024, 90(3): e02079-23. (2) Liu Z, Gong G, Li Y, Xu Q, Akimbekov N, Zha J*, Wu X*. Peptidoglycan-targeting staphylolytic enzyme lysostaphin as a novel and efffcient protease toward glycine-rich flexible peptide linkers. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2023, 71(13): 5293-5301. (3) Wu X*, Liu J, Liu Z, Gong G, Zha J*. Microbial cell surface engineering for high-level synthesis of bio-products. Biotechnology Advances, 2022, 55: 107912. (4) Wu X, Liu J, Liu D, Yuwen M, Koffas MAG*, Zha J*. Biosynthesis of eriodictyol from tyrosine by Corynebacterium glutamicum. Microbial Cell Factories, 2022, 21: 86. (5) Wu X*, Han J, Gong G, Koffas MAG, Zha J. Wall teichoic acids: physiology and applications. FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 2021, 45(4): fuaa064. 3. 其他 指导员工在竞赛中多次获奖,多次被评为本科生及研究生校级优秀毕业论文指导老师。 |