主要承担项目及成果(项目、论文、专利、获奖) | 1.承担项目 [1] 主持英国威廉希尔公司官网科研启动项目1项,聚合物抑制药物超饱和溶液结晶的作用机制研究,2019-2022 [3] 负责艾瑞昔布片(I)处方工艺开发及临床申报,项目总负责人,制剂负责人,2017-2018 [4] 主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,基于双载体分子间强相互作用的固体分散体构建及其抑制无定形药物相分离机制研究,2021-2023 [5] 主持陕西省科技厅重点研发计划(一般项目)1项,新型塞来昔布纳米晶片开发关键技术研究,2023-2024 2.论文 先后发表SCI收录学术论文40余篇,部分代表性论文: [1] Tian, B*; Li, L; Kang, K; Peng, D; Shi, Y; Wang P*, Crystallization inhibitory effects of konjac glucomannan, sodium alginate and xanthan gum on curcumin in supersaturated solution, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2023, 245: 125489. [2] Kong, Y; Wang, W, Wang, C; Li, L; Peng, D; Tian, B*, Supersaturation and phase behavior during dissolution of amorphous solid dispersions, International Journal of Pharmaceutics 2023, 631: 122524. [3] Tian, B*; Ju, X; Yang, D; Kong, Y; Tang, X*. Effect of the third component on the aging and crystallization of cinnarizine-soluplus® binary solid dispersion, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2020, 580: 119240. 3.专利 [1] 田斌,李林涛,王文涵,康凯瑞,孔阳,陈晓康,闫皮,郑子怡,一种用于制备药物渗透泵制剂的水性包衣方法,发明专利,202210198756.6 [2] 田斌,刘凯,潘凯,郭辰宁,尹亮泉,一种包含艾瑞昔布的药物组合物,发明专利,2020100901022。 [3] Tian, B; Ju, X; Li, J; Xin, L; Li, H; Qi, L; Zhao, Q; Wang, Y; Yang, D; Liang, C; Yao, W; Hydroxytyrosol Dihydrocaffeate Having Antioxidant Activity and A Method for Preparing the Same, 2020-5-5, 美国专利, US10640450 B1. [4] Tian, B; Li, J; Mao, G; Wang, L; Xu, M; Ju, X; Li, H; Li, Y; Zeng, Q; Liang, C; Pleuromulin acitretin ester with antibactepial activity and a method of preparing the same, 2021-8-10, 美国, US 11155514 B1. |